
Yes, I call this the best event for this summer. 

Not only the staffs and volunteers involved, participants from Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, China and Malaysia had made this event a great success.

This is the kind of event I would like to participate in while studying abroad, because this is what I had imagined before coming.

When people meet, language never is a barrier. The only barrier is a closed heart.

And that is the one thing these people do not have, which make them so AWESOME!!






Welcome message from the beloved staffs.



I always call this the Star of Friendship.


Photo 2015-08-15 12 16 56

And this is a different version of the Star of Friendship. 

Photo 2015-08-14 11 36 35  


The whole new level of selfie. When there is a camera, RUN and get yourself into the screen.


Photo 2015-08-16 21 46 40

Photo 2015-08-16 21 46 46

Photo 2015-08-16 21 46 50  


Mr. Ota with a professional camera, and a professional pose.



And these photos were captured.



Photo 2015-08-16 21 46 52  

The T pose stands for Tabunka(多文化).



And this is one of the souvenir - a windchime with signatures which make it so special.




It is true that people come and go in life. But when some people come, they will rock your life, even in a short period of time.

I guess this is what makes life so AMAZING sometimes.

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